371 research outputs found

    Scalable allocation of safety integrity levels in automotive systems

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    The allocation of safety integrity requirements is an important problem in modern safety engineering. It is necessary to find an allocation that meets system level safety integrity targets and that is simultaneously cost-effective. As safety-critical systems grow in size and complexity, the problem becomes too difficult to be solved in the context of a manual process. Although this thesis addresses the generic problem of safety integrity requirements allocation, the automotive industry is taken as an application example.Recently, the problem has been partially addressed with the use of model-based safety analysis techniques and exact optimisation methods. However, usually, allocation cost impacts are either not directly taken into account or simple, linear cost models are considered; furthermore, given the combinatorial nature of the problem, applicability of the exact techniques to large problems is not a given. This thesis argues that it is possible to effectively and relatively efficiently solve the allocation problem using a mixture of model-based safety analysis and metaheuristic optimisation techniques. Since suitable model-based safety analysis techniques were already known at the start of this project (e.g. HiP-HOPS), the research focuses on the optimisation task.The thesis reviews the process of safety integrity requirements allocation and presents relevant related work. Then, the state-of-the-art of metaheuristic optimisation is analysed and a series of techniques, based on Genetic Algorithms, the Particle Swarm Optimiser and Tabu Search are developed. These techniques are applied to a set of problems based on complex engineering systems considering the use of different cost functions. The most promising method is selected for investigation of performance improvements and usability enhancements. Overall, the results show the feasibility of the approach and suggest good scalability whilst also pointing towards areas for improvement

    Nas malhas dos poderes e contrapoderes dos técnicos de radiologia nos hospitais públicos portugueses

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    As administrações dedicam-se a um "novo managerialismo" que procura maximizar a eficiência, economia e eficácia e, como subproduto, suplantar a autoridade intermédia introduzindo mudanças de cima para baixo. Os discursos do managerialismo/Nova Gestão Pública (NGP) têm invadido de forma seletiva as linhas de orientação das práticas dos profissionais de saúde. Segundo Carvalho (2006), em Portugal, tais ações managerialistas nos hospitais do sector público, apoiadas numa lógica de gestão racional dos valores e normas do sector privado para promover alterações e/ou reformas estruturais na organização do trabalho, têm procurado efetivar em primeira e em última instância, institucionalizar certas mudanças, ajustamentos, adaptações, regulações e mecanismos de controlo capazes de dinamizar novas orientações culturalistas e comportamentais dos profissionais de saúde. Também a limitação intrínseca da divisão do trabalho condicionada pelo ato médico, concorre com a redução do campo de intervenção dos técnicos de radiologia. Seguindo a perspetiva de Foucault sobre a ideia de governação, enquanto necessidade de associar formas de conhecimento cada vez mais específicas e exigentes, gerando aquilo que se define como a “institucionalização da expertise” (Johnson, 1995:7), os conquistam a desejada autonomia profissional através de uma metodologia, Pratica Baseada na Evidência, que apela à padronização dos procedimentos, relegando para segundo plano a intervenção direta de outros profissionais

    Exploring the impact of different cost heuristics in the allocation of safety integrity levels

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    Contemporary safety standards prescribe processes in which system safety requirements, captured early and expressed in the form of Safety Integrity Levels (SILs), are iteratively allocated to architectural elements. Different SILs reflect different requirements stringencies and consequently different development costs. Therefore, the allocation of safety requirements is not a simple problem of applying an allocation "algebra" as treated by most standards; it is a complex optimisation problem, one of finding a strategy that minimises cost whilst meeting safety requirements. One difficulty is the lack of a commonly agreed heuristic for how costs increase between SILs. In this paper, we define this important problem; then we take the example of an automotive system and using an automated approach show that different cost heuristics lead to different optimal SIL allocations. Without automation it would have been impossible to explore the vast space of allocations and to discuss the subtleties involved in this problem

    Alteração do layout e implementação de células de produção na Indústria de Embalagens na XC Consultores

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    Trabalho realizado na XC Consultores, orientado pelo Engenheiro Luís GomesDissertação de mestrado integrado. Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Modelo de valorização do direito desportivo resultante da formação

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    Nas empresas desportivas o principal ativo é o direito desportivo sobre o jogador profissional. O nosso estudo debruça-se no resultante da formação. Estes, geralmente, nos clubes europeus não são reconhecidos como ativo intangível, dada a dificuldade de valorização fiável. Para ultrapassar este problema definimos como objetivo propor um modelo para a valorização do direito desportivo resultante da formação. Este artigo utiliza como metodologia de recolha de informação a análise de dados documentais e a entrevista. Através desta última recolhemos opinião junto de clubes sobre o modelo proposto, tendo-se concluído que o modelo é exequível e pode constituir solução para a valorização fiável do direito desportivo resultante da formação.In sports companies the most important asset is the professional players’ registrations. Our study focuses on the home grown players’ registration. Usually in European clubs these are not recognized as an intangible asset, given the difficulty of reliable measurement. To overcome this problem we defined as objective to propose a model for the measurement of home grown players’ registration. This article’s method of collecting information was document analysis and interviews. Through this last method we collected opinions from clubs about our proposed model and we conclude that the model can provide a solution for the reliable measurement of home grown players’ registration

    Effectiveness of Tele-rehabilitation Programs in Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Background: Tele-rehabilitation (TR) may be an effective alternative or complement to centre-based cardiac rehabilitation (CBCR) with heart failure (HF) patients, helping overcome accessibility problems to CBCR. The aim of this study is to systematically review the literature in order to assess the clinical effectiveness of TR programs in the management of chronic HF patients, compared to standard of care and standard rehabilitation (CBCR). Methods and results: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effect and safety of TR programs in HF patients, regarding cardiovascular death, heart failure-related hospitalizations, functional capacity and quality of life. We searched 4 electronic databases up until May 2020, reviewed references of relevant articles and contacted experts. A quantitative synthesis of evidence was performed by means of random-effects meta-analyses. We included 17 primary studies, comprising 2206 patients. Four studies reported the number of hospitalizations (TR: 301; Control: 347). TR showed to be effective in the improvement of HF patients' functional capacity in the 6 Minute Walk-Test (Mean Difference (MD) 15.86; CI 95% [7.23; 24.49]; I2 = 74%) and in peak oxygen uptake (pVO2) results (MD 1.85; CI 95% [0.16; 3.53]; I2 = 93%). It also improved patients' quality of life (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire: MD -6.62; CI 95% [-11.40; -1.84]; I2 = 99%). No major adverse events were reported during TR exercise. Conclusion: TR showed to be superior than UC without CR on functional capacity improvement in HF patients. There is still scarce evidence of TR impact on hospitalization and cv death reduction. Further research and more standardized protocols are needed to improve evidence on TR effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This article was supported by NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-032069 – “AdHeart – Engage with your heart”, financed by NORTE2020 under PORTUGAL2020; Project - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000026 – “Symbiotic technology for societal efficiency gains: Deus ex Machina”, financed by NORTE2020 under PORTUGAL2020; National Funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within CINTESIS, R&D Unit (reference UIDB/4255/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Projeto de molde para peça automóvel injetada com dois materiais poliméricos distintos

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    Nos dias de hoje, a Indústria Metalomecânica é uma mais-valia na economia nacional, tomando a dianteira. O Grupo Simoldes, o maior fabricante de moldes, com uma qualidade reconhecida mundialmente, está focando a indústria automobilística. A unicidade de cada molde é uma característica latente. Mesmo que elaborado por um único projetista, num espaço e tempo distintos, o molde não perderá a sua singularidade, sendo certo que não haverá dois iguais. Desta forma, cada molde a executar apresenta-se como um novo desafio, quer em termos de prazo, especificações e complexidades geométricas, apresentadas pelas peças. Assim, este trabalho tem como intuito fulcral mostrar a realidade do projeto e fabricação de um molde para injeção bi-matéria, dentro da Indústria Global de Moldes (IGM), empresa que pertence ao Grupo Simoldes. Este espécime de molde, injeta plástico e posteriormente borracha, apresenta uma tecnologia recente no fabrico de peças na indústria automóvel. Desta forma, há várias fases a processar, desde o estudo da peça recebida, onde o projetista poderá sugerir alterações para facilitar tanto o projeto como reduzir custos; estudo da máquina disponível para o molde; execução de um desenho 3D preliminar; elaboração e modelação dos mecanismos necessários e por fim, o desenho final concluído, abarcando todas as especificidades. Posteriormente, seguem-se os ensaios a fim de se obter a peça, o mais perfeita possível, para aprovação do cliente. Todavia, deve-se referir que se acertam alterações propostas pelo cliente em qualquer fase do molde, o que pode implicar um acréscimo de custos. A título de conclusão, a fase de projeto exige extremos cuidados na tomada de decisões, atendendo a que todas as alterações derivam em custos, e podem fazer oscilar a satisfação do cliente. De salientar que, no decorrer do projeto analisado, foram adotados os melhores processos de fabrico, verificando-se que o departamento técnico tomou opções excecionais, visando o sucesso do mesmo, e, desta forma, garantindo a qualidade exigida pelo cliente.Nowadays the metalworking industry is one of the main drivers of the national economy, being Grupo Simoldes the largest mold fabricator of the country. The manufacturing quality of the group is present in all products and is well known worldwide, being its main focus the automotive industry. One of the main characteristics of a mold is its inherent singularity. Independently if created by a single designer, in a certain place and time, no mold will ever be exactly the same. Therefore, each new production of a mold presents a challenge, whether in terms of deadlines, complex geometry or specification of the parts to produce. Thus, the main objective of this report is to illustrate the reality behind the design and fabrication of a co-injection mold, produced at Indústria Global de Moldes (IGM), company that is owned by Grupo Simoldes. These types of molds inject polymer and elastomer materials simultaneously during one moulding cycle, being a new trend in production of automotive parts. Consequently, in order to design a mold of such a complex nature, there are various different phases that must be achieved, such as: the study/analysis of the part that will be created by the mold, being that in this phase the mold designer may advise the costumer of worthwhile changes to the part design in order to lower future costs; the choice of compatible injection moulding machines to work with the produced mold; the execution of a preliminary 3D drawing concept of the mold; the modeling and elaboration of all the necessary mechanisms that will work with the mold and lastly the creation of a fully detailed 3D design with all necessary specification needed for production. Posteriorly to the production of the mold, several tests need to be made to ensure that the final injected products are within costumer specification. Nevertheless, at any given time, modifications may be made to initial designs upon costumer request, implying added costs. As general conclusion, the design phase demands responsible and well thought decisions, as each modification done may imply added costs, giving way to client dissatisfaction. It should be noted that during the elaboration of this project, the technical department made particular decisions regarding the manufacturing processes used, with the objective of guaranteeing the desired success and ensuring overall demanded quality

    Quality in computorized tomography: from image acquisition to dose, concepts, myths and definitions

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    With this review article, we intend to demonstrate the importance of Computerized Tomography (CT) in healthcare quality and safety. The concept of safety in CT is wider than for general healthcare. Safe healthcare provided using CT must include diagnostic image quality and reliability, as this is the only way to ensure diagnostic accuracy. The images must be acquired with the most adequate protocols available and with the lowest achievable radiation dose. In this article we will focus primarily on the concepts of dose, since this variable strongly affects the image quality and the consequent diagnostic accuracy. In methodological terms, 73 papers and 6 catalogues issued by the manufacturers of CT equipment, that included the keywords low dose, ultra-low dose and dose reduction were analysed. After review of these articles we found that about 82% are chest exams, namely the lungs. The remaining were subdivided mainly by studies of the sinuses, heart and bone segments. After this review we selected the only 10 articles that present the keywords and simultaneously quantify the dose reduction. Given the lack of precision associated with these terms, introduced mainly by commercial catalogues of different equipment brands, we intend to demonstrate that the concepts low dose and ultra-low dose are wrapped in unclear marketing strategies, without a strict and unambiguous definition of what is the effective dose. We propose that these concepts should be clearly defined and a precise indication of the effective dose reduction value should be compared to the default value (standard diagnostic dose) by exam region. Therefore, it is demonstrated that there is no concrete definition of what low dose or ultra-low dose are. These slogans cannot be used until they are not holistically defined, as well as the correspondent dose reduction value.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing the areas under risk of invasion within islands through potential distribution modelling: the case of Pittosporum undulatum in São Miguel, Azores

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    Copyright © 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Non-indigenous plant species have been frequently reported as successful invaders in island environments, changing plant community composition and structure. This is the case of the sweet pittosporum (Pittosporum undulatum), native from Australia, which is one of the most successful plant invaders in the Azores archipelago. Data extracted from recent forestry inventories were used to model and map the potential distribution of P. undulatum in São Miguel, the larger island of the Azores. Current distribution of P. undulatum is related to climate, altitude and some human activity effects. Further analysis of the areas under risk of invasion showed that protected areas are under potential threat, although only a few native forest remnants seem to be threatened due to future expansion of P. undulatum, since the current distribution of these native communities has been reduced due to clearing and competition with invasive plants. We discuss the threats that any further expansion of the species will represent for low-altitude native forests, as well as the utility of species distribution models in the assessment of the areas under risk of invasion

    Record of a bypass on the oral siphon of Ascidia sydneiensis (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) in a tropical bay from south-eastern Brazil

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    Ascidia sydneiensis Stimpson, 1855 is a solitary ascidian (Order Phlebobranchia) first described in the China Sea and Japan. Recently, it has been recorded in subtropical and tropical regions and is abundant in the Caribbean (Rocha et al., 2005; Worms, 2020). In Brazil, it was first recorded in the São Paulo State (Bjornberg, 1956) and ranges from Ceará to Santa Catarina (Rodrigues, 1962; Rocha and Nasser, 1998; Rocha and Costa, 2005; Rocha and Kremmer, 2005; Rocha et al., 2012). On the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, it was recorded at Ilha Grande Bay, Sepetiba Bay, Arraial do Cabo, and Búzios (Marins et al., 2010; Granthon-Costa et al., 2016)